Adriana Lima © Larry Busacca Krótkie grzywki na pokazach mody to propozycje na tegoroczny sezon jesienno-zimowy. Na taki rodzaj fryzury zdecydowały się światowe gwiazdy Miley Cyrus, Emmy Watson, Rooney Mara, Katy Perry oraz Adriana Lima, Bella Hadid i Beyoncé. Wyświetl ten post na Instagramie. Why we moved to Portugal.
For me and Tiago it was very natural and obvious to do this. From one side things went wrong but from other side - just right. Looking from perspective.. we dream about the same: simple slow life, family, being surrounded by nature, animals. And now to build a house seems real, because we are here already doing something for it and feeling this place even if we have to live in a small caravan now. There are good things and hard thi...
Kinga Moda M&G